

Field Description
Module Name The module name. This field is not editable.
Display Name The display name. It is a terminology label.
Relative Path The relative path. This field is not editable.
Table Name The table name. This field is not editable.
Tab Order The tab order is the same for all users.
Portal Enabled Only a few modules are available on the Enterprise Customer Portal.
Module Enabled A disabled module is not available in any menu.
Tab Enabled This is a global flag that will show or item the module on the tab menus.
Is Admin Is this an admin module. This field is not editable.
Custom Enabled Only modules with a custom field table can support custom fields. This field is not ediable.
Report Enabled Does this module support reporting. Disabling will prevent reporting for this module.
Import Enabled Does this module support importing. Disabling will prevent importing for this module.
Mobile Enabled Is this module supported on a mobile device.
Custom Paging Custom paging is typically only enabled when more than 10,000 records are in the module.
Mass Update Enabled Does this module support mass update.
Default Search Default search is typically enabled. When disabled, the user must click Search on any list view to get results.
Exchange Sync Does this module support Exchange Sync.
Exchange Folders Does this module support Exchange Folders.
Exchange Create Parent When an email is dropped onto an Exchange Folder, the default is to create the parent record if it does not already exist.
REST Enabled Does this module support the REST API. This flag must be set in order for the HTML5 Offline Client to return results.


Field Description
Name The name of the record.
Language The language of the term.
Module Name The module to which the term applies, or None if a global term.
List Name The list to which the term applies, or None if not part of a list.
List Order The list order index, if part of a list.
Display Name The display text.


Field Description
Module Name The module name.
Display Name The display name. It is a terminology label.
Relative Path The relative path. It should start with ~/ for internal links. You can specify a full URL.
Image Name An image. The image is expected to be in the theme images folder.
Enabled Enabled flag.
Order Order of shortcut in the list.
ACL Module The module of the destination.
ACL Type The access rights of the destination.

Dynamic Buttons

The Dynamic Buttons module is used to manage buttons on EditViews or DetailViews. Most buttons post-back to the server, but a ButtonLink can navigate to a URL when clicked. URL can include insertion values that come from the Text Field. The insertion values are of the format {0}, {1}, {2}.

The button layout can be exported to SQL so that the configuration can be applied to another system.

Field Description
View Name The view name.
Control Index The display index.
Control Type The type of the button.
(i.e. Button, Buttonlink, Hyperlink)
Module Name The module name, used for access rights.
Module Access Type The access type for the current module.
(i.e. View, List, Edit, Delete)
Target Name The target module, used for access rights.
Target Access Type The access type for the target module.
(i.e. View, List, Edit, Delete)
Mobile Only The button is mobile-only.
Admin Only The button is admin-only.
Exclude Mobile Exclude on mobile devices.
Control Text The display text for the button.
Control Tooltip The tooltip for the button.
Control Accesskey The access key.
Control Cssclass The class type for the button.
Text Field The text field used when rendering the URL.
Argument Field The argument field, used in conjuction with the command name for post-back events.
Command Name The command name used for post-back events.
Url Format The URL format. Use {0} for first parameter.
Url Target The HTML target for the button.
Onclick Script The onclick script.

Field Validators

The Field Validators are used in the EditView layout. There is only one valid Validation Type, RegularExpressionValidator.

Field Description
Name The name of the validator.
Validation Type The type of validation.
(i.e. RegularExpressionValidator)
Regular Expression A regular expression, used when validation type is RegularExpressionValidator.
Data Type The data type.
Mininum Value The minimum value.
Maximum Value The maximum value.
Compare Operator The comparison operator.

Business Rules

Business Rules allow a user to apply logic and updated a set of data instead of editing one module at a time.

There are three parts to a Business Rule:

  1. The module filter to determine the set of data to modify
  2. The record condition
  3. the actions to perform
Field Description
Assigned User ID The user that is the owner of the record.
Team ID The team or teams that the record is a member of.
Name The name of the record.
Priority The priority is a numeric value that determines the order of application of the Business Rules.
Then Actions The actions that are performed if the conditions are met.
Condition The conditions that determine if the rule is to be executed.
Else Actions The actions that are performed if the conditions are not met. The actions can be blank to do nothing.
Module Name The module name to which the rule applies.
Active The active state of the rule.