

The Calls module is used to schedule and track phone calls. A Call can have a start time and end time, or it can be all day. A Call can be scheduled to repeat every day, every week or every month. A Call is typically associated with a parent Account, Contact or Lead, but it can be related to just about any module. You can have a popup reminder in the CRM or you can have an email reminder sent out prior to the Call.

Field Description
Subject The name of the call.
Status The direction of the event.
(i.e. Inbound, Outbound)
Date & Time
Team The team or teams that the record is a member of.
Assigned To The user that is the owner of the record.
Email Reminder Time The number of minutes prior to the call when an email should be sent.
(i.e. 1 minute prior, 5 minutes prior, 10 minutes prior, 15 minutes prior)
Description A description of the record.
Repeat Type Set this value to the frequence of reoccurrence.
(i.e. Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly)
End After The number of times the call should take place.
Interval The interval of reoccurrence.
Repeat Until The date when reoccurrence should stop.
Days of the Week The days of the week.


The Emails module is used to archive or send emails. Keeping track of emails in a way that all users can access is an important strategy to ensure great customer service. An Email can use a template to ensure a consistent response to common support inquires. An Email can include a user-specific signature. Multiple recipients can be specified and each recipient will receive a separate email that is logged in the CRM. An Email is typically associated with a parent Account, Contact or Lead, but it can be related to just about any module.

Field Description
Assigned To The user that is the owner of the record.
Team The team or teams that the record is a member of.
Parent Type The parent module type.
Parent ID The parent of the email.
Use Template A template to use for the email. The template will replace the Subject and the Body.
Prepend Template Check to prepend the template instead of replacing the content.
Signature A signature to add to the email.
To One or more recipients. A recipient can be typed manually or selected from a list.
Cc Copy recipients. A recipient can be typed manually or selected from a list.
Bcc Blind copy recipients. A recipient can be typed manually or selected from a list.
From The sender of the email. An administrator can provide a list of senders in addition to the current user.
Subject The subject of the email.
Body A HTML body of the email.
Attachments Add attachments to the email.


The Meetings module is used to schedule and track meetings. A Meeting can have a start time and end time, or it can be all day. A Meeting can be scheduled to repeat every day, every week or every month. A Meeting is typically associated with a parent Account, Contact or Lead, but it can be related to just about any module. You can have a popup reminder in the CRM or you can have an email reminder sent out prior to the Meeting.

Field Description
Subject The name of the meeting.
Status The status of the event.
(i.e. Planned, Held, Not held)
Location The location where the meeting takes place.
Team The team or teams that the record is a member of.
Date & Time
Assigned To The user that is the owner of the record.
Email Reminder Time The number of minutes prior to the meeting when an email should be sent.
(i.e. 1 minute prior, 5 minutes prior, 10 minutes prior, 15 minutes prior)
Description A description of the record.
Repeat Type Set this value to the frequence of reoccurrence.
(i.e. Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly)
End After The number of times the meeting should take place.
Interval The interval of reoccurrence.
Repeat Until The date when reoccurrence should stop.
Days of the Week The days of the week.


The Notes module is used to track any comments related to a parent record. A note can include a file attachment.

Field Description
Contact Name A related contact.
Team The team or teams that the record is a member of.
Subject The subject of the note.
Filename The file to be uploaded.
Description A description of the record.
Assigned To The user that is the owner of the record.


The Tasks module is used to keep track of actions that need to be performed by a user. A task typically has a start date and and end date and it is related to an Account, Contact, Lead or most other modules in the system.

Field Description
Subject The name of the record.
Status The status of the event.
(i.e. Not started, In progress, Completed, Pending input)
Due Date And Time
Start Date And Time
Contact A related contact.
Priority The priority is metadata that helps you organize and group projects.
(i.e. High, Medium, Low)
Team The team or teams that the record is a member of.
Assigned To The user that is the owner of the record.
Description A description of the record.

Text Messages

The Text Message module uses the cell phone SMS network to send out messages. The Twilio service is used to send out messages.

Field Description
Assigned User ID The user that is the owner of the record.
Team ID The team or teams that the record is a member of.
Message The message text.
Date Sent The date the message was sent.
Parent Type The parent module type.
Parent ID The parent of the message.
From Number The number the message was sent from.
To Number The number the message was sent to.
From Location The location the message was sent from.
To Location The location the message sent to.

Twitter Tracks

The Twitter Tracks module is used archive or monitor tweets containing specified text. The Twitter Consumer Key must be specified in the Admin area.

Field Description
Track The text of the tweet.
Type The type of the track.
(i.e. Archive Original, Archive All, Monitor)
Status The status of the track.
(i.e. Active, Inactive)
Assigned To The user that is the owner of the record.
Team The team or teams that the record is a member of.

Twitter Messages

The Twitter Message module is used to keep track of tweets. The Twitter Consumer Key must be specified in the Admin area.

Field Description
Message The text of the tweet.
Date Sent The date the message was sent.
Assigned To The user that is the owner of the record.
Team The team or teams that the record is a member of.
Parent ID The parent of the message.
